I am not heavy!

Hi my name is bob

People think I am strong and I can lift up to 200kgs.I can lift a van very heavyweight first I thought it was light but it it was heavier than I expected.people think I am fast as well because I eat to much veggies!
Do you want to know why they say that?because I am to heavy! I will ask you if I am heavy why am I fast?IT is Because THAT I Run to much go away veggies! Go AWAY! If someone says that I eat too much veggies then I will put a chilli 🌶 in there morning cereal but maybe I am heavy.

The end.

1 Comment on I am not heavy!

  1. shalem
    October 22, 2019 at 9:43 PM (4 years ago)

    you are the best to write a story this coll keep up the goodwork


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